Thursday, April 9, 2009

You get to Teach

Life is grand!  I was able look at all of the folders and read what many of you have completed before leaving for EIU.  I will get to the blogs soon!  What is striking me is the fact that we do need to take more class time to share with each other the specific activities you all have tried out with your students or the activities some of you have created in order to better understand the mathematics.  So, I want to invite you to sign up - as a reply to this blog entry - for an informal sharing with our class over the next three class meetings.  I will set aside time each night for you to showcase what you have completed as a part of your master's project.  This is not mandatory and you will not be graded on your public speaking but I strongly encourage you to take this opportunity to share something.  Please indicate about how much time you would like (no guarantees), a general topic, and I will plan a schedule out accordingly.  If you would be ready by this Monday, please let me know that as well.  I am going to TRY to set up a class session in the library so we can use the SmartBoard.  My hope would be that we can do that on the 20th, but will need to get the room reserved.