Thursday, February 5, 2009

Thoughts About Class

So, I am on the second airplane of the day, after a VERY fast walk across the Cincinnati airport, and am working on our lesson for Monday night.  I am sitting next to a couple who are going to Disney this week and the gal is a retired third grade teacher.  So I share with her my lesson plan (poor woman) and then take a "nap" as I process the lesson.  I periodically come to life as I add notes to the lesson and list the manipulatives we will need.  My last revelation is that we will need a hula hoop.  Joyce (she gave me her card) then went on to tell me what other math we could complete with the hula hoop.  She wants me to let her know how the lesson goes and what else we come up with for that hoop.  Math is just too cool!
Speaking of cool  - I gave out a few "cool points" this week as I was reading blogs and emails. These points do not count for anything except your own personal coolness. 
On Monday we will begin class by working on blogs and posting comments on other folks blogs. Some of you have a blog created but have not posted a journal entry, so we will do that in class.
An optional location for the electronic journal is the Discussion Forum on blackboard.  This is an option we can discuss and explore as well.
Final note - I had a chance to read through a few of your file folders (class work) and personal growth plans.  AWESOME!!!!   I LOVE IT!
Final, final note - I linked two websites to the COURSE LINKS on BlackBoard.  Check these out.