Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Flipping The Switch 2018 K-8 CS Conference

(I.8) Integration Session 12:00 - 12:50

Hands-on session demonstrating how to use Computer Science to leverage Grades 6-8 math instruction. Participants are guided through Scratch programming activities integrated into Algebra (coordinate plane transformations) and Geometry (angle measure theorems). 

Cat and Mouse Scratch Presentation

Scratch Program

Lesson Plan
Cat and Mouse on Scratch (Google doc)

Cat and Mouse Program on Scratch Community (use this when discussing mice)

Introduction to Polygons
Katie's Beetle: Intro to Polygons

Other Cool Stuff
Google Word Program You Tube Video Screencast
Katie's Slope Game

Teacher Note
Issues that we see in coding - Not renaming sprites, extra code that is not used, inefficient code