Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Two Thoughts

Okay, my first thought is what to do when I will be gone on April 7th.  There are so many possibilities... what are YOUR thoughts?

My second thought (limited to two today) has to do with how much we should expect our preservice teachers (PST's) to use technology in our classes on campus.  I read an email today from a researcher in Canada and he said that the feeling up there is that the novice teachers have too much to worry about and that technology can come in later.  Therefore, technology is taught as an "add on" and not integrated in to the curriculum for the PST's.  Now, you all know how I feel about technology but am I needing to do a gut check here.  Does he have a point?  Where and how much technology should our PST's be exposed to, or have to become proficient in, and why?  You can comment here and I will count your reflective responses on this posting as your week's blogging entry.  You may still post your own blogs on geometry - I love reading them!