Saturday, January 30, 2010

Week Four Assignment Reminder

Week 4 Assignments:

All files, and videos SHOULD be linked to the Google Site.

1. Terrapin Logo - artifacts to ilocker
2. Reading - Gee article and reaction to ilocker
3. Journal entry to Blogger

F2f class on Tuesday and online class on Thursday

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The topic of this posting is National Lab Day (NLD). The link below will take you to the official website. I would like to encourage a team of students from our class to get involved in this event either locally or virtually. NCTM is encouraging our involvement to meet President Obama's goal. Internet collaboration between schools, and between students and experts is a fast growing phenomenon. Let's think outside the box about how we could contribute in a unique way!

National Lab Day

Monday, January 25, 2010

Hey guys, if you are following my blog you can enter a comment to any of the postings that you find interesting. Tonight's entry will showcase a few more videos. How about a nice Mathematica Screencast. Here is an introductory (20 minute) and advanced screencast. (I have learned a new term - screen cast). Below the link is a message from Wolfram about a new training course that is offered, online.

Our newest student resource is "M10: A Student's First Course in
Mathematica," a video-based training course that allows students
to access more in-depth Mathematica training at their own time
and pace, for less than $30. Students can work alongside the
videos with the included exercises to practice the skills they've
learned. For more information and to order this course, visit:

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Check This Out.
I have postponed a decision to spend more time on Moodle, after working on Google Sites today. Google sites seems to be exactly what I am looking for, with multiple author features. This web 2.0 tool will interact with other Google products, so it reduces the introduction of yet another user interface. Those of you interested in web design can me assist in the set up of the team modules.