Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Almost Done

Another wonderful - most awesome - class experience this past week!  A variety of lessons both on and off the computer were greatly enjoyed.  I uploaded one of the paper folding lessons and just found another similar paper folding lesson from AIMS  (that I will soon add to the Teacher2Teacher file on our Bb site).  I will make a movie of and then upload the Logo file created by Dennis.

Can I entice any other folks to present a favorite lesson or an excerpt from your master's project to our class on the 27th?  Please respond here so I can plan our last teaching night accordingly.

It looks like a contribution of $5.00 should cover the cost of the pizza and drinks for our last night, for the folks who are not making  a food dish or dessert contribution.

PS. Liz asked for any thoughts on how to teach improper fractions and mixed numbers on her blog.