Saturday, March 8, 2014


So this is a cool program the you can access via Google Drive.  I can edit maps on multiple machines in real time but only three map are available in the free version. This might not show the map so I am adding a screen shot.  I can insert links and files.
My First Mind Map

I forgot to hit PUBLISH so this was sitting on my site as a SAVED page.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Educreations public

The lesson below was set as pvt and this one is public. I want to see how they are different.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Now the real fun begins. Every teacher has to use a Learning Management System of some sort. The ones I have used with real live students are:


Ones that I have experimented with are Edmodo and just the other day - Schoology.  I have teacher friends who use My Big Campus. There are many flavores to choose from. Wikispaces has LMS features and the education package of Google Docs does as well. While this is not a focus of our course, taking tome to go beyond what you know about Bb would be a wise thing to do.

IBook Author

So I had a plan to use iBook Author because it is a popular app. The interface is similar to keynote and rapidweaver. After looking at a few templates it became clear that to create a lesson I would be doing a lot of copy / paste type of work as well as formatting pages, chapter sections and what not. The learning curve was okay but the production time for a lesson plan was not realistic. The main drawback is that the authoring has to take place on the Mac.  I can find an online textbook that will be good enough.

One final thing to mention is that when I emailed the file to be opened on the iPad it did not work. I think the book has to be published in iBook to have access to it.  More learning involved on this one to really test it out so I passed.  The pages are pretty though.

update: If the file is small enough you can send a link to be downloaded otherwise you have to physically attach the iPad to your computer to install the book.   ~vm

Google Docs Lesson File

Where did the toolbar go?

I can paste the link but that is so sloppy

This is from the weekend.  One issue I just learned is that I don't know if I can change the share setting from within the iPad app.  Will have to share via my Mac.

Evernote has potential

One of the first programs I sent files to was Evernote.  Screenchomp and Skitch allow sharing directly to Evernote.  Also, I have an account.   I really like that I can add a narration within a note and that I could share a Notebook (sets of notes).  So here are a few examples:
myScript MathPad


Sample Note with attached GGB file and an audio clip

Digital Artifact in Keynote

I started out in Keynote because this is the native presentation tool for Apple products. I was able to share the file via the cloud but I ended up editing different versions and corrupted the file. What you see here is not the final version because I moved on to MindMeister.

Linking tool is funky

Screenchomp - my rhombus

Here is the static graphic. 

Click on the URL to see my recording.

Educreations geometry tools

Insert photo from App, mark up as recording

MATH 331 testing ground

Will this work as a way to store and share files?

These are static screen shots.  I would like to resize them.