Friday, March 20, 2009

Topics Question

I am looking at topics that I want to get to yet this semester and could use some feedback.  What geometry content do you have questions on?  I am looking at Tessellations, Area and Perimeter, More on Circles, Volume and Surface Area, 3-D Shapes and Nets; and possibly revisiting Transformations, Congruence and Similarity.  what ONE topic is most important to you?  Please feel free to add to this list.
I posted an external link to a cool Tessellation site and will add some more links today.


  1. I think Tessellations would be a lot of fun to work with. I'm not sure how practical they would be for most of us, but they are very interesting to look at and create.
    I could also use some fun activities for area and perimeter that I could use in class next year. (6th grade)

  2. I also think Tessellations would be neat to explore. I sometimes teach older students in jump start, so new ways to work with area and perimeter would be helpful.

  3. Since I can only choose ONE topic, it has to be Area and Perimeter. It seems so simple to me, but my students continue to struggle even though we seem to cover it just about every day! It always shows up in the problems in our textbook, so it's really important for my students to master the concept.

  4. I would vote for area and perimeter or surface area and volume... both come up in sixth grade and the students have trouble with them.

  5. I would agree that area and perimeter would be good to cover. Students really struggle with the concept of area and perimeter. I would also like to work with 3-D shapes and nets.

  6. I would like to work with 3-D shapes and nets, it comes up in my Pre-Algebra class

  7. Hmmm....if I HAVE to choose one, it would be circles; if, by chance, I get a second vote, I choose volume and surface area.

  8. I would like to see many of those topics rolled up into a theme. A theme like packaging. That way you could cover many ideas like perimeter, area, surface area and volume with one idea in context. You could even bring in ideas like tesselations for the outside cover. I love using context for the math.

  9. I would like to cover area and perimeter. I'd like to see some ways to teach it without technology because even though I love Sketchpad, it's not available in a lot of elementary schools.
