Wednesday, September 19, 2012

LGL Action Research - Day One

The LGL Action Research Study is off and running

Yesterday, I gave a short introduction about the history of Logo (MIT and Seymour Papert) and a brief demonstration of the basic motions.  I showed students a 360 degree compass and talked about how GPS systems have changed our dependence on compasses.  I forgot to journal yesterday so first thing today, I sat down and wrote out responses to the prompts.  I ended up breaking the last prompt into Looking Back and Looking Ahead.  Looking Back is for the next time I teach this unit (i.e. what changes do I need to make so that Day One is more successful). I also checked the survey responses.

  1. Describe successes with student understanding / technology / attitude.
  2. Describe difficulties with student understanding / technology / attitude.
  3. Discuss anything that surprised/frustrated me as the instructor.
  4. Discuss any modifications or adjustments that might be made for the next class session.
The most glaring change that I need to make is a revised checklist.  It needs to be a seating chart so I can quickly scribble on it.  A second change is to try to get through the Logo part of the lessons so students don't have to return to the lab.  This will be possible for L3 and L4 tomorrow as the projects do not require Logo.

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