Sunday, February 15, 2009

Class on Monday

I am very excited about our class tomorrow.  Our hands-on activity will use spaghetti as we create different quadrilaterals.  Please note that I am going to begin encouraging you to sit with folks who have similar interests as to what they want to pursue for their master's project.  For instance, there is a group that wants to create a LOGO curriculum, so they will be sitting together.  I have noticed a few folks who want to learn more advanced features of GSP (like animation) so they need to find each other.  I am also detecting a few that want to look at the concept of proof and how to teach proof in the middle school.  I will bring a number of resource books down to our classroom, so you can see what is out there and generate more ideas.


  1. to play with, even better to eat!

  2. Spaghetti quadrilaterals! I know some H-town sixth graders that just might love that idea.

  3. We could also bring in meatballs and have lessons on spheres to go along with it.

    Sounds like fun!!!

  4. I hope it is cooked! Some of us attend class without dinner....ha

  5. I am reading yours, are you a follower of mine?
