Thursday, February 19, 2009

Okay, so who needs an idea for a Master's Project? I am reading a book tonight about building scale model houses to support the learning of surface area, nets, and 3-D shapes. The models are made with constuction paper and my personal favorite is the one that has stilts and is sitting on a beach, over the water. Needless to say you would have to be about 3 inches tall to live there but it does look nice. I LOVE miniature things.
I taught an intro to Logo lesson in my 5 pm class tonight as they had to learn the "Rule of 360." I challenged them to draw equilateral polygons starting with a triangle, sqare and then the pentagon and up. I had one darling say to me "just tell us how to do it" and you know the rest...
Have a great weekend and see you Monday.

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