Thursday, April 9, 2009

You get to Teach

Life is grand!  I was able look at all of the folders and read what many of you have completed before leaving for EIU.  I will get to the blogs soon!  What is striking me is the fact that we do need to take more class time to share with each other the specific activities you all have tried out with your students or the activities some of you have created in order to better understand the mathematics.  So, I want to invite you to sign up - as a reply to this blog entry - for an informal sharing with our class over the next three class meetings.  I will set aside time each night for you to showcase what you have completed as a part of your master's project.  This is not mandatory and you will not be graded on your public speaking but I strongly encourage you to take this opportunity to share something.  Please indicate about how much time you would like (no guarantees), a general topic, and I will plan a schedule out accordingly.  If you would be ready by this Monday, please let me know that as well.  I am going to TRY to set up a class session in the library so we can use the SmartBoard.  My hope would be that we can do that on the 20th, but will need to get the room reserved.


  1. I love this idea. Thank you for giving everyone the opportunity to share their best activities. I am looking forward to hearing and doing the cool activities from others in the class. I can present on Monday if you wish. I have a cool exploration activity on Area and Perimeter relationship. It is hands on and then leads into another exploration activity on Surface Area and Volume relationship. It would take 15 to 20 minutes and I would need scissors to complete the activity. Both activities can be used from 3rd grade to high school levels.

  2. Sure, I can do a bit of sharing. I would just show what I've done so far utilizing GSP for class instruction about the coordinate grid and transformations. My students get all excited when I start up the program and they get to see the concept with GSP. I don't need much time at all; probably 5-10 minutes will be plenty to show how I've used it. I also have a great jeopardy game that I can share; it is a template that can be downloaded from the web. I can share Monday or whenever I fit. I will probably use more time the longer we go! I'm finding as I teach, I start thinking about how I can show the concept I'm discussing, and pretty soon the computer is projected and we are using GSP! By the way, I've never used the smart board. (Poor, poor me.)If I bring my laptop, will I just be able to connect to it?

  3. This would be a definite "No thank you" for me. My stress level requires no assistance at this time. However, I always appreciate the things other teachers are doing and frequently receive inspiration from them.

  4. I would like to share the lesson that I posted on my blog. I know people have seen it before, but I don't think that everyone has. It would be on The Wheel of Theodorus and involves the Pythagorean Thm. I can bring supplies to do a paper/pencil version and/or we could do it on GSP. I would be able to go tonight if needed. I just need to know so that I can run copies and bring supplies.

  5. Normally I like to share but I am teaching really random topics right now (go Maths 125) that probably aren't really covered in other classes. So I guess I'll take a pass. I am looking forward to ideas that I can use next year in my classroom though!

  6. I can share the Geometer's Sketchpad lessons I have created next Monday.

  7. I can share the Are/Are Not vocabulary lesson I blogged about a few weeks ago. I can share it tonight or in the next couple classes.
