Sunday, September 9, 2012

Action Research - Field Journal

I am anticipating that the Logo Geometry Lessons study will take approximately three weeks (12 lessons total). It will be important for me to report and reflect on what happens in the classroom and any side conversations that take place with my students. This brings me to a third data collection tool - a field journal.  I am going to try to focus on the following four prompts.

  1. Describe successes with student understanding / technology / attitude.
  2. Describe difficulties with student understanding / technology / attitude.
  3. Discuss anything that surprised/frustrated me as the instructor.
  4. Discuss any modifications or adjustments that might be made for the next class session.

The most difficult aspect of journaling is to actually do it.  I am going to have to force myself to use my time between morning classes. To keep things organized, I will record the date and time.

As I look at this list, I note that more data is necessary to answer the main research question. Stay tuned ...

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