Sunday, September 9, 2012

LGL Research Questions and Data Sources

Here is the main research question for my study:  How will the Learning Geometry with Logo Lessons impact my students' geometry knowledge? 

To help answer this question, I created a ten question pre-test.  I will administer it next Tuesday [Sorry, I can not share the pre-test at this time].  I need to think about a few more data sources, because  assessment of content knowledge needs to extend beyond a single exam.

I also want to see if there are any changes in my students' attitudes about using Logo and/or their attitudes about geometry as a result of completing the Learning Geometry with Logo units.  These are minor research questions that can be added to the study with minimal effort.

To gather data on the students' attitudes, I created two short surveys in Google Docs.  You can pilot test them if you like (I will use a copy for my actual study).

Geometry Survey
Logo Experience Survey

I am confident that a review of the literature will show that a teacher's attitude towards mathematics will impact how she/he teaches mathematics. This is especially true for many elementary school teachers.  I am going to read a literature review written on this topic (by a graduate student in my department) and see if he wants to help with the LGL study.  Stay tuned for more developments.

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