Tuesday, February 10, 2015

UG Tech Class - 11Feb15 Tasks

Undergrad Tech Class  --  Wednesday, February 11th

On Friday, you will be learning more about iPads so I decided to share information about two apps that are very popular with educators at ALL levels. A volunteer can display / play the videos for the class.

Task 1: 15 minutes (stop at 20 minutes)
Get the Eno pens to work.  Dr. Jacobi will be there to assist you.  Pull up Google Earth and create a mathematically engaging graphic using at least two tools (Jared).  Showcase a few items (Jensen).

Task 2: 5-10 minutes
Read the Learning and Leading Article and briefly discuss in a small group
Students Explain Everything with iPads

Task 3:  3-5 minutes
Watch the Explain Everything Overview  - It goes pretty fast, but does provide an overview.

Task 4: 5 minutes
Watch the video described below (elementary school example - student video)

I thought you might get a kick out of this "lesson" on the number 18 by one of my kids with his buddy. The kindergartener was in charge of writing on the screen, the older kid was just there as a coach.  This is their first time working on something like this and was meant to be a practice run.  This is what I was referring to in my journal.  I just love the explanations, hearing him verbalize his thought processes and how he is very obvious on checking his thinking.  Many of the videos are similar to this one.  Click here to view this lesson about 18.
Mrs. Singer - January 2015

*Educations is Free

Task 5:  5 minutes
Watch this video I created last summer for MATH 360 using Doceri (high school example - teacher video)

Task 6: 5 minutes
Reflect on this class session in your journal.
Explain Everything
Google Earth - you have this :)

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